
Unlimited thinking oriented sums.
A gateway to spectacular results.

Unlimited thinking oriented sums.
A gateway to spectacular results.

Practice makes you perfect, or dumb?

Learning math requires both practice and regular application of mind. Contrary to what people believe, practicing routine sums do not make one perfect, rather, repeated sums of the same type may make students dumb. So you need sums that blend both practice and logic. Problems that mix arithmetic and algebraic operations with clever thinking.

Limit: Unlimited, thinking-oriented sums

Our Limit platform which houses 150+ math apps, algorithmically generates such clever, thinking-oriented sums (and algorithmically provides their explanations too) – and it does it better than most humans. Through this platform, you can expose your children to numerous (actually, unlimited) thinking-oriented problems everyday – and that’s the only way to build thinking skills and mathematical instincts.

Extraordinary impact

These apps are already in use in a number of schools, including The Levelfield School, where it produced spectacular results. Levelfield students have a median SAT score of 1550, and more than 50% of every batch get into IIM’s prestigious IPM program. Such results are made possible due to regular exposure to thinking oriented math from a young age.

Technological requirements



Tablet (> 10.5 inch)

We highly recommend using a computer to access Limit

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